How Many Vending Machines Do I Need?
First, I need to say thank you for everyone signing up for my Vending Newsletter. I cannot believe how many people have gotten on board to take such an active roll in learning about the vending business. For those of you who have not joined, I'll give a little teaser. All newsletter subscribers get to ask me any vending question they want, for free! I am happy to have been able to help out so many people so far and look forward to your question.
I have been getting a lot of questions lately from people who are looking at vending to replace their "normal" work income. Often the question will be stated like this, "How many vending machines do I need to replace XXX dollars a month?" I have also noticed that most of these people are referring to bulk vending machines. I suspect that the reason I am getting this question is twofold: #1 the economy has everyone scared and #2 I suspect the biz-opp scams are promoting hard (because of #1).
I would like to take this time to make a couple points. Vending is a great business, but if you are looking to it to get out of a job you hate, or feel no security with, then owning a vending business may not be the answer for you. Your answer may simply be to find a better job. If that is the case, I suggest you check out a site: 48 Days to the Job You Love by Dan Miller. His books helped get me on the right track.
If after reading his books you determine that having your own business, even a vending business, is right for you then I say welcome!